Spotlight: “Will GoFundMe Become America’s Largest Private Insurer?”

Stories of healthcare issues abound, and I’m seeing headlines that continue to pop up. People are suffering, and their insurance—if they even have it—doesn’t always provide all needed financial support. Enter online crowdfunding campaigns, where people ask everyone from friends to strangers to help them pay for expenses, including those for health care.

I recently reported on this topic for Playboy, and medical crowdfunding campaigns continue to mount even into the early days of 2019. These campaigns are helping people who are fighting for their lives or dealing with health complications and bills. GoFundMe, for instance, is one of several crowdfunding platforms that helps people raise funds for personal causes. And with a giving community of more than 50 million people worldwide, it’s reportedly the largest social fundraising platform.

But what’s the future of these fundraising platforms? And who’s really vulnerable to having unexpected medical expenses?

Please click through to see what health care experts and GoFundMe users told me about this situation and its potential effects.


5 Tips to Protect Your Hearing

So I love getting out to events and listening to live music. But these fun activities can have a down side. Sadly.

If you’re around loud sounds, you should know that you could be at risk for tinnitus and noise-induced hearing loss, too. These sounds can show up anywhere, from your favorite sporting events to concerts and bars.

Because this topic is so important, and because it can affect so many people, I wrote about how to avoid hearing loss and damage earlier this year for Men’s Health. Even now, the topic keeps coming up in my everyday life. Maybe because I know so many other music lovers.

The facts: Sounds are measured in decibels (dB). Those higher than 85 dB can permanently damage the hair cells in your inner ear with extended exposure, leading to hearing loss or actual damage. And it can be years before you start to notice the effects.

Please check out my story for five tips on how to protect your hearing. I do these things myself. Then tell me what you think!

Have you ever had a hearing scare, or noticed when sounds were too loud? Taking action now can help you later.


Yes, I’m Updating My Blog. Yes, It’s Taken 5 Years (!)

Just casually lounging on a table at a luxury rental in Molokai, an island of Hawaii. 😉 SEE, these are the fun, non-bloggy things I’ve been doing.

The last time I was really here was 2013. Wow. With reference to my last (beyond old) blog post, clearly Halle Berry is no longer pregnant. But I do still think sheer fashion can be chic. And the clothes in my closet still support this theory.

Not sure why I was away from my dear blog for so long, but I’m back now. I was busy during these intervening years. Thank goodness.

I mean, I’ve been freelancing for outlets from Playboy and The Washington Post to AARP The Magazine and Men’s Health. 

My day job also changed; I’m now a health writer, so I’m no longer at the luxury lifestyle magazine where I had been senior editor. But I still live in DC, so I can still give you the details on events around town.

And I’ve been on several, big amazing, trips abroad in the years since, including to France, Spain, Italy, Taiwan, Japan, and more.

So, I mean, there’s a bit of an excuse to have been gone so long. But I’M PLANNING TO DO BETTER.

Please stick around and visit to see my thoughts and writing on all things health, lifestyle, and travel. And of course, please keep an eye on my website’s other pages, which I have been updating.

Also come say hi and follow me on Instagram and Twitter. I’m @lesliequander on both (though more often on Instagram, I admit).

Talk soon! Definitely before another five years, I promise.


Are Your Shoes Hurting Your Health?

If you wear (fab) shoes like this, it’s all about the timing. B Brian Atwood Fredrique platform pumps via

I’m an admitted shoe fanatic, but I also love writing about wellness. So the recent health story I wrote on 9 Footwear Do’s and Don’ts for was really fun.

The truth is, our feet withstand lots of abuse (think long jogs and super high stilettos), and we need to take care of them to avoid pain, injury, and other ailments. Check out the story to learn the best time to go out in high heels—and if you should be wearing those flip flips.


Facts on Contacts: Most of Us Have Bad Habits

Most of us think we know how to clean our contacts, but a new study finds less than 1 percent of people (less than 1 percent!) actually care for them properly, WebMd Health News reports.

And bad habits have consequences, researchers write in the journal Optometry and Vision Science. The most frequent problems reported by surveyed contacts wearers were discomfort (72%) and infection (47%). Yikes.

To protect your eyes, replace contacts as recommended, American Optometric Associationspokesman Randall Fuerst, O.D., tells WebMd.

Other steps? Never use tap water to clean cases or lenses (I’ve done this, but no more!), always use fresh solution, and always wash and dry your hands before putting in lenses. And, of course, only buy contacts from reputable providers—and only if you have a current, valid prescription (no crazy colors from shady outlets or oversize lenses, please).

So have you been doing anything wrong—and will you make changes? Learn more on healthy lens care from FDA and WebMd.

Image: nuchylee/


Physically Leaning Affects Our Thinking?

Interesting news out of the Netherlands: A new study suggests the way you physically lean affects how you estimate quantities (like sizes, numbers, and percentages).

We think of smaller numbers as being to the left and larger numbers to the right, researchers say. So when participants estimated answers to questions, they chose smaller numbers when leaning to the left. (There was no difference in estimates when they leaned to the right or stood straight up.)

Though researchers say posture has no effect when you know an answer, they say it influences you when you’re unsure. So the next time you wonder how much liquor is in that lemon drop, maybe try not to lean left. Wouldn’t want to overindulge because you guessed low!

So what do you think of this study? Does it sound right (ha) to you?

Image: We Heart It




Feeling Cranky? Have a Snack

If you feel more irritable when you’re hungry, hormones may be to blame.

Levels of serotonin—a hormone that helps regulate behavior—fluctuate when people are stressed or haven’t eaten, finds a new study from the University of Cambridge. And when levels are low, researchers say, communication between certain parts of the brain is weaker than normal, which may make it harder for the brain to control emotional responses to anger.

Wait a minute. This could explain why some morning drivers are so aggressive: They skipped breakfast! So let’s just think of this study as another reason to eat healthy meals…and snacks in between.

What about you? Do you ever feel more angry when you haven’t eaten?

Image: We Heart It


Have You Been Fooled by Organic Food?

I really love organic food—I get happy going to Whole Foods—but a new study made me think. We may believe that organic foods are nutritious and that they taste better, but, according to new research, our minds may be playing tricks on us.

A total of 144 people participated in a double blind, controlled trial at a mall, according to this press release. (Yep…a mall. But keep reading!) Graduate student Jenny Wan-chen Lee of Cornell University’s Dyson School of Applied Economics asked participants to taste and evaluate several products: “conventional” and “organically produced” chocolate sandwich cookies, plain yogurt, and potato chips. But—and this is the important part—all of the products were actually organic.

Lee found some interesting results:

  1. Participants preferred the taste of almost all of the “organically labeled” food, even though those foods were the same as the “conventional” products.
  2. Participants thought organically labeled foods were significantly lower in calories, lower in fat, and higher in fiber.
  3. Overall, participants thought the organically-labeled chips and cookies were “more nutritious” than their conventional counterparts.

It’s reported that Lee is the “first to acknowledge” that the study’s variety of foods is limited, though she’s confident that these kinds of assumptions (called the “halo effect”) are important when it comes to what we eat and how much. (People who think they’re eating nutritious food may be more likely to consume more calories or overeat.)

My take-home point? Even if our organic cookies and chips taste delicious, their labeling does not make it okay to always eat supersize portions!

So what do you think? Do organic foods really taste better, or do we just like them because of their labels?

Image: Master isolated images
