Snapshot: Even Hard Days Can Lead to Joy

Look deeper. Feel stronger. Go farther. Be you.

Just a reminder that even the hard days—when you look in the mirror, and feel confused and tired—even these days can lead to joy.

I am in a great place now as a writer and editor working with national media outlets and other national clients. I’m thankful for this. But I had to start somewhere and learn along the way.

I’ve been thinking a bit about the early part of my early career, and ruminating on Instagram. So I figured I’d make a note here, too.

I’ve had success over the years. But these days, I still make an effort to network. And continue to amplify my knowledge by reviewing information from reputable sources and experts.

In my goal to help others, I also provide coaching to help people get started with professional writing—and to help them find success and branch out. Always feel free to contact me if you have questions about what I do. I’m happy to help and want you to know success is possible.

For now, I’m recognizing you if you’re trying to motivate yourself to go after a goal. Or pushing through difficult times. Believe in your purpose. And I’ll believe with you.


What We Can Learn from the Past—and These Spanish Towers

At the top of the Torres de Serranos, a landmark structure in Valencia, Spain.

When it comes to the past, I’ll say this: Don’t forget about it. Learn from it.

If you feel compelled to wallow or to beat yourself up about decisions you made in the past—or things that you endured—this advice holds true for you, too. We can be hard on ourselves. But the past is our teacher, and for that it’s valuable. The present is ours to treasure. And the future will come—ideally.

Looking at this photo, I can still remember how this day truly felt as I sat high on top of these landmark towers in Valencia, Spain. It was a peaceful yet brilliant series of moments.⁣ Sunny. Clear. Anything felt possible. I was in the present moment, and yet able to look back on what I’d learned.

It was a fitting place to reflect. These towers began to be constructed in 1392 and were used as both “a defensive feature of the city and also as a triumphal arch,” according to Think about that. They’ve stayed strong for hundreds of years, through some difficult times. And somehow continued to be triumphant.

We can be the same way. ⁣Minus a few centuries. ?

These days, I’m grateful for my growth. I can remember the high points—so wonderful when they come—and the lows. These things work together for our good. ⁣

A street view of those landmark towers.

I’ll share more from this time in Spain, and am looking forward to writing and teaching more on wellness and success in the coming weeks. Are you looking for growth or coaching support in these areas? Feel free to email me.

Wishing you well for now. And glad to have hope and faith.


Snapshot: It’s Good to be Content Alone

Solo travel in Valencia, Spain.

This is what I’m thinking about. And it’s funny that this comes to mind as I’m reporting a freelance story on dating. But these thoughts come when they do.

The reason? I’ve been traveling again, and I’ve had the best times strolling around the world by myself. Seriously. I mean, it’s nice to roam with people, too. But there’s something about doing whatever you want, whenever you want.

So I’m popping in to share this related Instagram post. ⁣What do you think? Can you roam solo—even in your hometown? Can you go to shows alone, eat out alone, even explore alone?
If you haven’t lately, do try it. Even for an hour or a day. No harm in it. When it comes to writing, it’s actually one way to get some really great story ideas…that you can eventually share with the world. Or not. (For more tips on how to find writing inspiration, please read my related blog post.)
And if you have thoughts, comment here or come tell me on Instagram! We had some great exchanges about how our relationships can be affected if we’re not open to spending time solo.


Do You Say What You Want?

If you want something, say it. Claim it.

This statement just came to me out of the blue, and I (of course) shared it on my Instagram page. It sounds simple, but how often do we really do it?

Sometimes I think we can be afraid to say what we really want. Maybe some of us don’t want to admit what we really desire. Maybe we think we can’t have it. Maybe we don’t even consciously know what we crave!

But one of the first ways we can manifest what we desire is to SAY what we want. That’s because having success and freedom can start in your mind.

So will you join me in saying what you want? Even just quietly to yourself? The point is to get comfortable with your goals—whether they relate to your career, relationships, investing, or whatever—and to believe they are possible.

Tell me what you think? Or feel free to comment on Instagram.
